To recreate even a few million of images
generated daily by AI with human art
would require burning enough fossil fuels
to rival yearly impact of all cryptocurrencies on the planet and take billions of man-hours even using digital
software creation. Anti-AI luddites want
to stop art creation and make it more
expensive,time-wasting environment destroying affair just to look "genuine" and provide guaranteed income for a tiny elite who
can live on commercial art.
Why AI art is culturally superior:
an AI user that repeats a single prompt would be equivalent to a "style and brand" of a single artist , however AI allows an AI user to generate All styles and brands of art
that artists cannot afford:it would break their "style and brand" to paint otherwise or to changes topics,
diminish the overall quality(since artists cannot change style/subject easily) and reduce their importance in the cultural niche by diluting their output to many niches: AI art has no problem with above. A single AI user is as
capable of being productive as all artists combined and
with time the average AI quality will surpass grandmasters like Stockfish today being clearly superior to all human chess grandmasters.
Latent space contains almost everything you can think of:
AI makes better art than me
AI makes worse art than me
Its unethical/illegal/deeply unfair
Its too expensive/complex to use
I can't write good prompts
AI devalues art in general
AI art is clearly demonic
I like AI art and think we need more
AI art can be helpful but needs more rules
None of the above(explain)
Like he said, why do you need to favorite an Anti-AI post, only for you to put it in its category and continue to make AI art? I don't hate AI, but I just don't use it. Get the hell outta here!
Honestly go fuck yourself with your Anti-Artist Propaganda and stop calling us an "elite" like we're some kind of super-rich superior species or something, when the whole world is in fact constantly working against us and the vast majority of artists are struggling to survive! We're just trying to MAKE A LIVING OF THINGS WE PUT OUR HEART, TIME AND EFFORT INTO and you actively steal from us by using AI and create these worthless mash-ups of stolen art that quite frankly all look the same.
Then again: 36,000 deviations.
I don't have any real issues with AI as far as it goes, but who TF is going to look at 36,000 images in a single gallery, and an AI gallery at that. Just write some code (maybe you already did?) and have it randomly generate prompts and auto post it to your gallery.
To each their own I guess.
hi want to be friends
Please unfavorite the AI I publish as I do not want them getting positive attention and would rather see real, human-made art not based on thievery to get the spotlight on deviantArt, thank you.
Go fuck yourself.