Red Armored Dragon RangerSuperHeroTimeFan on DeviantArt

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SuperHeroTimeFan's avatar

Red Armored Dragon Ranger



Today, for my Power Rangers art, I have three pieces, two of which are Ranger designs. I once did a picture of the Red Ranger of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers in 2018, using Illustrator and Photoshop. Now, here is a newer version, using only Illustrator. This one took a while to do, getting in the accuracy right and making sure I had the right colors. I just was unable to get the details on the Power Coin on the buckle, but it still gets the message across. I like how it turned out, especially with the helmet. If you like this, then you'll like the twist I put on it for the next picture. What do you think? Please enjoy for now!

And May The Power Protect You All.
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10834x13464px 2.8 MB
© 2020 - 2025 SuperHeroTimeFan
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Exploring4Life's avatar

I like the sense of 3D on the chest. impressive work.

Are you using photoshop to make this?