Is this group still active?
I notices that both the Founder and Contributor haven't been online for years but most of the co-founders are active, yet we're getting a lot of artwork been posted in the group's comment section.
If you do high action and Passion in the SuperHero Action Adventure Sci-Fi Genre we are SUPERB ACTION UNIVERSE HEROIC and we are ALWAYS and FOREVER INTERESTED. We offer an UPFRONT FIRST FULL PRE-PAYMENT POLICY and if available you can if doing multiple jobs pick one of the Characters should priority schedules allow. We also pay for collaboration with any IndyOC Legends out there. We are "SUPERB ACTION UNIVERSE HEROIC!" and we want YOU to grace our SUPERB STARS with YOUR GOD-given gifts. As we want our whole UNIVERSE Commissioned before any new releases. We are at SUPERBACTIONUNIVERSEHEROIC@GMAIL.COM