StarFox Series Tier ListSuperGemStar on DeviantArt

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StarFox Series Tier List

Character  Fox McCloudCharacter  Krystal (Star Fox)Location  Nintendo


Happy 30th Anniversary to StarFox! We have been fighting off the evil Emperor Andross from his destruction towards Corneria. With the help from our favorite StarFox Team and heavy dialogue experience, we find our enjoyment from the reaches of the Lylat System. Let's open the wings and rock n roll in this tier list!

Games that I LOVE!
  • StarFox 64 - Do A Barrel Roll! We will Peppy! Love the game and it is the best StarFox game ever!
  • StarFox (SNES) - Nostalgic and Amazing for players who are good at piloting! Talking to you annoying head from CyberMorph! Where Did You Learn to Fly? I learn to fly up in your head-hole!

Games that I Like!
  • StarFox Adventures - A fun game to play since I bring back the memories of Dinosaur Planet on N64. But now updated into a StarFox game!
  • StarFox Assault - Pretty fun but I say the multiplayer is also fun to play with friends! I love Krystal in the StarFox team!

Games that are Okay
  • StarFox 2 - Not as good as StarFox but still a good game to check out on NSO!

Games that I... Hm...
  • StarFox 64 3D - I never played the 3DS port but only played the N64 version.
  • Starlink: Battle for Atlas - I never own the set on the Nintendo Switch or the other ports. But I say I shoutout for the crossover of StarFox being on this list since they are the Nintendo Switch exclusive... I Think...

Games that I Hate!
  • StarFox Command - A bad StarFox game that has a bad storyline, not memorable characters, and bad controls.
  • StarFox Zero - It has bad controls and is really difficult on the Wii U! I wish the Switch fixes the problems...

  • StarFox Guard - OMG! They didn't just do this on purpose! No StarFox and just Slippy and his family! The controls suck and it is just too short in gameplay. I rather have good battles and more memorable characters in the game that would make it more interesting! Or a cameo of Fox or Peppy!
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Please do Crash Bandicoot & Spyro the Dragon games tier lists soon.