Ryugu RenaSuper-PrincessPeach on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/super-princesspeach/art/Ryugu-Rena-176862816Super-PrincessPeach

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Ryugu Rena



Right now, you're probably thinking:
"Decorie, this is pretty damn fucked up! Pretty, sexy girls that are clearly naive and wear cute dresses (that reveal panties, ohoho! *nosebleed*) don't run around with a cleaver whilst covered in blood!"

That is, unless you've watched Higurashi no naku koro ni (When the cicadas cry), in which case, you'd know for a fact, that Rena, the pinnacle of all innocence, does indeed run around with a cleaver whilst covered in blood; not to mention her breif belief in aliens taking over the world... Because she's a PSYCOPAAAAAATH D8< Well, ok, that's an over-reaction. But you get the idea. Higurashi is messed up on so many levels, but it is made of awesome~!

Rena Ryugu is (c) to Ryukishi07/07th Expansion

Teh picture of teh reference~

All done in Macromedia Flash Pro 8, like everything else c:
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1200x1200px 239.73 KB
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animegurl234's avatar
Its so beautiful! :love: :heart: :iconiloveyouplz: