Character sheet- WilliamSunlessRose on DeviantArt

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Character sheet- William



I've never, ever done a character sheet before so this was a new experience for me ;3; I also have to thank my friend :iconzukaria: who not only let me use her character sheets for a reference, but she's been helping me a lot with advice on staying organized and gave me the push I needed to do these sheets. So huge kudos to her and be sure to check out her stuff if you haven't yet~
So of course I had to do William first. He's gonna be the main character after all. And I know I did a lot of art of him thanks to OC-Training but an actual character sheet is something that needed to be done. ^_^
And I made his skin just a LITTLE darker cause he does work outside a lot so I thought it was appropriate XD But I think I still made it a bit too light. Oh well, I'll get it down eventually. I think. Lol
So without further ado, here's his official profile and information!

Name: William Barthelemy
Age: 19
Birthday: April 1st 1773
Height: 5"10
Weight: 144lbs
Zodiac sign: Aries
Eye color: Blue
Hair: Black and somewhat messy

Personality: William is a friendly, well mannered and considerate young man who is also fairly quiet and reserved. He doesn't often go out of his way to talk to people and this leads others to believe he's shy.
While not shy, William does enjoys his personal space and privacy and this can make him seem rather aloof even though he enjoys talking to people. William just isn't the type to initiate a conversation.
However, he doesn't enjoy long winded discussions and gets annoyed easily with conversations that go nowhere and doesn't like being around people who ramble on without adding anything to the conversation and he's too polite to say anything so he hopes his body language will tell the person how annoyed he is.
Sometimes William comes as being a bit too serious even though he knows how to laugh at a good joke and enjoys humorous stories and banter even though he's not the best at telling these kinds of stories or jokes.
William is very well known for his willingness to help just about anyone who asks for his help and is always willing to lend a hand to those who need it and has a hard time saying no to people to the point where it's become a flaw. Still, this has earned him a great reputation around town, leaving him well liked by many of the townsfolk.
William is also a very passive individual and doesn't often go out of his way to speak up or stand out in any way. In fact, he prefers to blend into the background.
Family means a great deal to him and he's willing to go to great lengths to protect them. He will always make time for them, and being the oldest, he always feels a strong sense of duty to them and loves to play with his youngest siblings and even if he's in a bad mood, playing with them always cheers him up. Despite being great with his younger siblings, William isn't great with children who aren't part of his family. It's not as though he doesn't like kids, he just never knows how to talk to them or keep them company so he does his best to steer clear when he is able.

William's necklace: William was given his necklace by his parents as a birthday gift and they brought it to a priest to have it blessed to help with William's severe and frequent nightmares. The necklace did work and reduced the frequency and severity of the nightmares but didn't stop them completely.
Background: William was born on April 1st as the first child of Nicolette and Clovis Barthelemy and would be followed by 3 younger siblings.
His childhood was fairly normal, he worked and played on his family's horse farm and enjoyed taking care of the horses his family bred and enjoyed exploring the seaside and the nearby woods. William also spent much of his time playing with his closest friend, Thierry.
William is very close to his siblings and parents, but especially his mother, Nicolette. He also grew up unaware that his mother was from the noble Dubois family and didn't learn until later of her noble heritage and upbringing.
William suffers from terrible nightmares and has since he was a child. The cause of these nightmares is eventually revealed to be Dark Nic's doing, albiet without her or his complete knowledge. While the nightmares didn't happen every night, they happened frequently enough where William would end up sleep deprived. When he got his necklace from his parents, which had been blessed, the severity and frequency of the nightmares decreased significantly and he was finally able to get the sleep he needed with the nightmares happening far less frequently. However, this didn't stop them completely.
Inheritance, characters and story all belong to me and may not be used without my permission.
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© 2020 - 2025 SunlessRose
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