Hi everybody! I'm Sumbreon, and since this is my deviantID i probably have to tell you all thing about myself.
Well, My favourite animals are: cows, penguins, pandas and dolphins. well, I like and get annoyed by dolphins at the same time. I think it is becouse everytime i stumble in something and fall, I'm an idiot. While when a dolphin sticks his head out of the water and nods, he's the smartest animal EVAH! conclution: unfair.
I'm fourteen years old, but i look younger. well, not "younger" but i'm not the highest person in the world eigther. The reason i bring this up, is becouse of every norwegian bussdriver that's reading this should know the difference of 14 years and 18. And try to avoid asking " HOW OLD ARE YOUU?" with the angriest face you can possilby make. I'm fourteen years old girl and i'm paying for one.
Im' addicted to candy. But i still brush my teeth. alot. I mean seriously, alot. i have braces so I kind of HAVE to brush my teeth alot. Whats so sad about me and my braces, is that i acctually "fit" them, as I am told. I've been called can opener once a long time ago. but I don't care since I'll rather be a can opener for a short while, and then be a beautiful macaroni-can with beautiful teeth one day.
I'm norwegian/ argentinian. That means i talk spanish AND norwegian. My mother is norwegian, and my father is argentinian. Right now, i'm living in norway. Not that I have so much of a choice. But if i could choose I don't know what i would choose, since In Argentina its mostly hot and in Norway its nostly cold. MOSTLY, for everybody who thinks that we don't have winter; kyss ræva mi-becouse we do have summer and heat, and candy.
So, to finish i wish you a merry christmas. In abril.
At least, i diceided to put a picture of myself as my avatar... yup guys, thats me ._.
Current Residence: chocolateland :F