Orochimaru's Eyesugartart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sugartart/art/Orochimaru-s-Eye-108148047sugartart

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sugartart's avatar

Orochimaru's Eye



hurrah! #6 in the collection!
this might be my last one, at least for a while, because there aren't any other really cool naruto eyes that i can think of...
i DID try kiba and kimimaro but they weren't so nice, so that's why i'm holding off for a bit.

i'm gonna make one big picture with all of the eyes, then leave it at that, at least for now.

if this is the only eye you've seen, check my gallery for the rest!

and as usual
eye stock by :iconsugargrl14:
naruto by masashi kishimoto
photo manipulation by me :D
Image size
300x544px 69.84 KB
© 2009 - 2025 sugartart
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KADU-OUT's avatar
Can you rate my orochimaru eye? if you have time, im asking the pros that i see for tips and pointers.