I did born at '76.
Sugarcoated with low self-esteem.
Being with same woman over 20 years so far (and still in love).
My (so called) wise words would be: "live your own life, not other people's expectations."
No children.
I read quite a lot. I did start to mark up books that I've read at 1996. Today's (15.11.2022) number of books readed is 1318 (and 349 010 pages).
I did start photographing at 2004 when I did get my first digital camera.
I try to keep my equipment as cheap as possible (=more money to spend to fuel to get me somewhere to get some photos).
Now I'm using Canon EOS 6D (that I did bought used).
I'm using 2 objects: Sigma 12-24mm and Tamron 70-300mm.
With cheap equipment I don't have to worry too much, I photograph winterstorms and so on without any cover to my camera or objects; wouldn't probably do that with expensive stuff).
I rather try to learn surroundings well with time than travel faraway once.
I photograph almost always with tripod and probably 80% of my Urban exploration related photos are HDR.
I need loneliness to find photos, so photographing ain't social thing for me, I do probably 99% of my all photographing alone.
I love naturephotographing, especially summer mornings at marsh and winter storms. I've been also falling deeper into abstract naturephotography, especially details of ice.
I love urban exploration related photographing. I've been in that madness since 2007 with project called "Autiot ja unohdetut", where I try to publish one set with somekind of "poems" every saturday. Sadly only in Finnish...
I love horses (and we do have our own pony too), so I photograph horses and ponies too.
The way you see the world around you is amazing and reflects a deep connection to it. Your collection of images is a feast for the eyes. Thank you.
Thank you sooo much for your words, I really do appreciate them. Especially now when my so called Freedom is getting to end once again - back to work at next monday. Then there are only saturdays for photographing, which kind of breaks my heart. But of course, money is good thing too. Anyway and once more: thank you very, very much.
Just a little feature
Thank you very, very, VERY MUCH for this honour!
Great piece, no worries