Studio-Drowtales's avatar


Years Ago

Comments 450

anonymous's avatar
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DcSalem's avatar
what ever happened to Aiels cat creature? and the drow with glasses that would always screw her over (i forget his name) im hoping to finally see Ariel kill him
Lupeco98's avatar
Metaknighta's avatar
Sorry, but I decided to leave this group. I never saw a real reason to be here...Sweating a little...
Nothing against the comic, but it doesn't interest me.
FG122's avatar
Quick question!
I've finally caught up on the comics and would love to become a member! :dummy:
Am I able to become one~? ^^;
kawaii-chibi-kotou's avatar
Thank you for that submission request! It is thanks to the creaters of DT for making Path to power that I met my amazing fiancé whom I am marrying in 43 days! Many of our PTP friends such as Dera, Rahil, Kael, and many others are travelling from the US and Canada to be there and we have to thank Kern, Kite, and EVERYONE! You guys are amazing and we love you!
Maudra-Mara's avatar
um I accept the request, except I know nothing about Drowtales, only some small tidbits
Noire-Ighaan's avatar
It's the group about the webcomic Drowtales made by drowtales and chocolate-rebel :)
You can read it here… It's a fantastic, very well drawn series that are updated six times a week, and we think it deserves more attention :D We are the community of this comic and we simply want to make friends all over deviantART and have fun :la: