Gina Torresstrryeyedreamr27 on DeviantArt

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Gina Torres



Subject: Gina Torres as Zoe Washburne from Firefly and Serenity
Size: 8”x10”
Medium: Coffee
Event: Emerald City Comicon (ECCC) 2015

Each coffee portrait is first sketched in pencil using a photo reference. Once the portrait has been sketched, it is lightly inked with either black Staedtler pigment liners or black Microns. After inking, the pencil is then erased and the portrait is completed with coffee. Utilizing instant coffee, different tones and depths of color can be achieved to create warm sepia toned portraits.

Note: I may have been the most nervous when drawing and painting this portrait. I thought it was going to break me. Particularly her hair. I love Gina Torres and her ability to play badass women who can kick butt as much as or better than the guys. She's fantastic! But I thought her hair was going to kill me. Hair is still one thing I haven't quite figured out, but I really wanted to paint her portrait, so I stressed myself out through the entire creation of the piece and ended up happier with the results than I thought I would be. Gina Torres is just as awesome in person as she is on screen. More of my fangirling over Gina Torres (and Jewel Staite with the help of Grant Imahara) can be found on my Tumblr.
Image size
2700x3450px 6.9 MB
© 2015 - 2025 strryeyedreamr27
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