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Artist // Hobbyist // Other
  • Jan 18
  • United States
  • Deviant for 6 years

Favourite Movies
Star wars the complete saga (not including sequel trilogy)
Favourite TV Shows
Star wars 2003 clone wars,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Most of the Star wars EU books
Favourite Games
Blazblue series, Team fortress 2, Star wars Battlefront 2 (2005)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencils and paper, occasionally do digital drawings
Been a while since I made one of these updates. Hope you all are doing well, its near the end of 2024 and I've been pretty busy with my art. Ever since switching over most of my focus on digital as opposed to my sketchbook and pencils I'm honestly surprised I made more progress in such short time. Especially in terms of animating. I didn't even expected to finish the Bloodborne WW1 animatic, but I did and that was a crowning achievement to me. However not everything will be good, I'm sure long time followers noticed that I've more or less stopped posting Galaxy of no Order stuff. Today is the day it was first created almost 9 years ago. It's sad to say but its time to put it to rest. I'm sorry I wasn't able to fully complete the story for it, but I'm surprised I made it 2/3 of the way through. But by the time I finished the 9th "episode" I was fully burnt out of drawing and writing it. Not to mention I was working on writing Bloodborne WW1 as soon as that last episode was made, and
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Sorry for a very quiet few months of not posting anything. I've been focused on learning the ropes with Photoshop and getting a bit ambitious with a little project I've finally finished after 3 months of work. I'm happy to say that the Bloodborne WW1 animation/animatic is finally complete and it is both a relief and joyous moment. If you would like to watch it: Bloodborne WW1 War under the Stars animation/animatic - YouTube Now that said, after finishing this animation/animatic, I would like to post more photoshop art as opposed to my usual pencil and paper ones since I feel like it'll look more professional than me just using my phone with the flash on to take pictures of my art. But who knows, I'll have to make more drawings. So thank you for reading this, and I'll try and post more regularly now that the animation is finished.
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Well hello there, so I've been a bit more quiet in my postings for my art recently. Thats because I've been working on Photoshop and playing around and trying to get better at it. I feel like I've gotten to a good point on it that I wanted to try and test something out at least once. I've decided to start an animatic/animation project for Bloodborne WW1. Just a short 2 minute one, not a giant ambitious series, this will just be a way to promote the art for Bloodborne WW1 and the fanfiction I've written for it. I also want to say I'm sorry to the people that watch me for my Star wars art. I haven't really posted a lot art in the past several months, since I've been reading a lot of 40k over the last year and had a lot of drawings saved up for it. As well as trying to make a brand new story that being Bloodborne WW1 since I was getting kind of burnt out of Star wars. I still have a lot of Star wars drawings, saved up, heck I drew one today by the time me writing this. Posting art has
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The-king-zhaul's avatar

Happy new year to you strikeflyer!

strikeflyer's avatar

And happy new year to you too!

Who is your favorite MegaMan Character?

strikeflyer's avatar

I think it would probably have to be Knight man. I know he doesn't really have much in terms of appearances but he was the coolest looking Robot master for me when I first got into the series.

Badge Awards

ghostwgh's avatar

Thank you for adding my fanart to your BlazBlue collection! I'll try my best to draw more BlazBlue.

eds345567's avatar

thanks for the fav