Favourite Movies
Lord of the rings, Knowing, Immortals, X-men, Spirited away, Blinkende lygter, Boy in the striped pyjamas, Napola, Reqieum for a dream, Inception, Silent Hill, 300, The Day after Tomorrow, Phantom of the Opera
Favourite TV Shows
Dethklok, Tim and Eric, Robot chicken, True Blood, Jackass
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Meshuggah, The Interbeing, Dethklok, Tool, Behemoth, Mew, Illdisposed, Debussy, Mozart, Nightwish (the old and right one), Decapitated, Iwrestledabearonce, Heaven shall burn, Skrillex, E Nomine, Deadmou5, Portishead, Opeth...
Favourite Books
The Lord of the Rings, Broken sky, Coraline
Favourite Games
Skyrim!! Jack and Daxter, Tecken, Silent Hill, The Sims, Spore