[DSV] Primal SunStrawberry-Tate on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/strawberry-tate/art/DSV-Primal-Sun-974998082Strawberry-Tate

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[DSV] Primal Sun




 Spring Flower Bullet Primal Sun Spring Flower Bullet  


The sun of August left its golden light on the young Aguilar. Attracted by this soft light, Aguilar took his first real walk to the entrance of their lair. It was not easy to get away from mom, who was resting with all his brothers and sisters. But something strong pushed him to move away and venture towards this source of wonder. This burning ball that was outside. What is this ? Outside, evening was here, with a setting summer sun. Big, yellow, gold and red, like him. This primary force seemed to him so mysterious and so beautiful. Warm, reassuring and strong. If it's looked like him, was he also a primary sun ?

His feet landed for the first time on the grass. He stuck his head through the passage and faced the source of his curiosity. A sparkle dazzled him before his eyes. The contact of the rays on his coat was pleasant. The sun warmed him up and gave him energy. His heart raced with joy at the funny feeling. He wanted to get closer. Closer...

As he began to fully emerge from the den, his father appeared in front of him. He was coming back from hunting with lunch in his mouth. Lokki admired his son under the rays of the sun. His hair shone like gold. His son had inherited his light fur, but also his mother's red. A hint of pride shone in his eyes. His son reminded him of the August sun and sunflowers. His childrens were the best thing he could have with Primrose. He smiled and put the delicious bird in front of him and grabbed his son to bring him back to their home.

little star 

Disclaimer : All characters I play in ARPG do not represent me IRL. This character belongs to me, but THIS is not a fursona. My ARPG characters doesn't represent my private life, beliefs, or actual relationships with friends who play with me in this game. Thank you for reading my journal dedicated to ARPGs for more informations : ARPG conditions and FAQ for my Gallery

Art © 2023 Strawberry-Tate
Image size
2743x2250px 5.14 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Strawberry-Tate
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Aguilar earns +2 Levels

(Full-body illustration)