A needle flies past you, scraping your cheek like a bullet. How you don't feel the pain, you're not sure. But as you start to walk away, you see the world around you start getting bigger. You're shrinking. It was just a centimeter at first, now it was six whole inches. You feel your insides start to go empty. It's not a pleasant feeling yet, but it slowly becomes comfortable, making you relax. A more relaxing sensation is when your hair feels like it's being cut away into nothingness, relieving weight off your head. By this point, you've become two whole feet shorter. You see the needle come back you can't help but smile. It's come to help you relax.
At your smile, it gives a soft gleam of happiness, as if it were smiling back. It flies around you, like a Mew, bringing you out of your pants and letting your shirt drape over you after a few loops around you. It pops up in front of your face and baps your nose. You realize you're now a foot and a few inches tall, and you ask it to help you with your gestures. You're scared. It seems to nod before going to your ears and slowly nudging them upward. It then sews them into little pink triangle-like nubs of plush on top of your head. It tickles. It travels down your back, massaging it with its stitches, before it pulls a thread out past your feet and out onto the floor. It swirls around the thread, making a nice, long, plush, but empty and drooping, pink tail. It's not long after that when you start floating, like the needle.
You then seem to scream out, but you have no voice to do so since your voice was never there… was it? You didn't think you had a voice, but that's beside the point. Your legs and arms are getting shorter, which is causing the pain, but you can't feel your face morphing at all. The needle realizes this and goes to help take the pain away. It stitches your right leg, making it soft and painless, and shaping it into something you should probably recognize… but you can't. The thought isn't coming to your head, and it's droopy. It does the same for your left leg, then goes to your arms. It stitches your left arm so that it had three finger-like paws, but it drops, just like your legs, and it repeats with the right.
You now recognize your limbs as your own, and that you've had your tail, but you don't want to look at their droopiness. The needle somehow understands and goes away for a moment. It comes back with a white, puffy ball and it feeds it to you. You giggle a bit, then smile. You want to stay smiling. It complies to your wish and stitches your mouth, a sensation that is new to you. What it was called, you don't know, but it was as if something had been lifted. You didn't mind, you didn't talk anyway.
The needle starts stitching up whatever wasn't the pink plush that was naturally yours, making it become your natural plushiness and shape. Your eyes close before opening again, your vision clouding over. You didn't need to see anything, you didn't want to, you didn't have to. You start to fill up, droopiness going away from your body. Your tail curved into its natural shape as it was filled. You didn't move, you naturally couldn't. Plus, you didn't want to, so this made you have that feeling again. You could feel your thoughts sink away into the filling, but you didn't mind. You didn't need to, you didn't want to, you didn't have to. The needle dives into your plush again, then comes out with a tag with you, and the words about whatever the Pokémon Company was, on it. It directs your floating to a shelf, takes you out of your shirt, and gently puts you down. You didn't feel it, you can't. But it didn't matter, because you can't think, see, speak, or move. You didn't need to, you didn't want to, you didn't have to. But that wasn't the best part. You'd live forever, needing no sustainability whatsoever, being with kids who would love you and cherish you when they picked you off of your shelf.
All that's left is a life-sized Mew plush doll as the needle flies away.