Leverage - A Tender Moment ColoredStormspike on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stormspike/art/Leverage-A-Tender-Moment-Colored-627298405Stormspike

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Leverage - A Tender Moment Colored



Wanna guess what are they're listening to? How about this =)

Sooo this is of course based on a sketch by the wonderful Iji! Original, Iji's Main Tumblr

First time I saw this it didn't stick out to me that much, but when I was looking around for new source sketches I recognized the hidden tenderness in that scene and instantly knew what I had to do.
So I spent maybe 8 hours or so on it (more than twice the normal time) and damn I enjoyed every minute of it. Damn it, Iji, stop playing guitar with my heart strings like that.
Still, no regrets. Would do it again, but currently there aren't so many zootopia sketches from Iji that I can use. Fingers crossed for later.

Here's a small Making Of
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