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Stjepan-Sejic's avatar

sunstone japanese edition promotional poster



this was a piece ordered by g-novels publisher of japanese editions of sunstone.

they provided me with a ton of reference material for kimonos and i went with a sort of a homage image to the cover of volume 5 :)
Image size
1368x1440px 49.37 KB
© 2019 - 2025 Stjepan-Sejic
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MinionofSolitude's avatar

Yes, honeymooning...
But unfortunately, now, and for the last few weeks, we can't see anything. Because someone is protesting on a principle. And it IS an important principle. It's just. . .
Lisa on the left in.. well, more Gold, than Yellow. Ally in her usual 'Red'. It seems so clean and open. Pure. Pure in their love. With how their eyes try to lean way over, to see the other, because the rest of the universe  doesn't exist, just then. Only the other.
Well, maybe the universe needs something like this, and as many more examples as we can get out there. To shift reality into being a little more open, itself. You see the news about Ukraine, or about this thing with a  school down in Florida and book censorship.
Be a little more loving. A little more open.
Good luck. Waiting on more `Mercy`. Thanks.