Hi,im SOLRAC. I identify as a CIS male, human-kin, omnivore, and my sexual orientation is heterosexual. My pronouns are He,Him, and somtimes they(for example when youre reffering to me and my buddies). My triggers are: being punched in the face,being shot, or any sort of physical harm done to me for no reason.On my blog i will tolerate most forms of free speech, and if you try to offend or poke fun at me, i wont hesitate to just laugh it off.
The unreasonable state of being where everything just seems too trivial and unimportant to you where you're just living for temporary pleasures waiting for the moment u meet ur maker to ask him with who's permission he decided to put me in such existence hoping that it's not pitch black afterwards so i can really rant and finally open up .