The Layton Familystill-a-fan on DeviantArt

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still-a-fan's avatar

The Layton Family



The sequel picture to this picture:

Future Layton Family by still-a-fan

But I've decided to redesign Flora and of course add Katrielle. 

Characters belong to Level 5.
Image size
4111x5948px 3.12 MB
© 2016 - 2025 still-a-fan
anonymous's avatar
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Catmintleaf's avatar
I love this! I really like Flora's design, how it looks just different enough from her original design to be something new, but also similar enough that there's no doubt it's her. And of course, I love the layout of it. The colors go together in a very nice way. The background adds enough interest to my eyes to want to keep looking at it, without distracting from the characters. (Also the colors are very vibrant, something that a lot of pieces done with colored pencils fail to achieve.)
Anyway, I probably sound like I'm blathering on about something I don't know anything about, but I just wanted to say that I really like this piece.