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The box in which your head goes in is in place, you look at it for a moment in fear. You then put your head in the box, the girl then closes it and locks it now there is no escape from it, only when she unlocks it again are you free. The girl takes off her jean shorts and panties and sits her naked ass on the top of the box hole, she can feel a storm of farts coming and is ready to release them all into the airtight box. She releases her first powerful fart into the box, it stinks of rotten eggs and beans and there is no where for the fart to escape so it just circles around while you smell it unendingly. She then releases another fart into the box and all you can do is gag and moan nonstop while wondering to your self how any being can produce a smell as horrid as this. She then releases a third fart and moans in pleasure, That fart felt so fucking good she says. You cough and gag more and the acidic smell of the fart is burning your eyes and making them water. A fourth fart is released from her evil anus and you just do the only things you can do which is gag and moan and cry. A fifth fart is released that is so loud and powerful even the largest of beasts couldn't do something like that. A sixth fart is released along with a small bit of accidental poop. Fart number 7 is released and you start to realize something, You realize because all the farts she released haven't gone anywhere and remained in the box circling all around your face, that the smell is soaking into your pores and your face will probably never smell the same again. Fart number 8 sounds like an earthquake and causes the girl to moan in pleasure again from how good it felt to release. Fart number 9 is released and your eyes keep watering from the potency. Fart number 10 is about the same if not more potent. The girl is now all out of gas much to you and your nose and your eyes gratefulness. She covers her nose and then unlocks the box, releasing a close to dying you from it. You run as fast as a cheetah to the bathtub and bathe yourself like never before, scrubbing as hard as you can to remove the revolting smell of farts that has engulfed your face. It may take years of bathing for you to smell normal but in all likelihood you probably won't ever smell normal again.
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