Deviation Actions
You and the girl walk along the sand of the isolated beach, as beautiful as the beach itself is, you are more focused on the girl. Her beautiful chunky body is so hypnotizing, most of all her big fat jiggly booty that is eating up her black swimming panties like nothing. Even her blue shirt and her sunglasses are arousing you. You chose an isolated beach so can make love without worrying about anyone seeing. You've already got a boner sticking out of your swim shorts, the girls body is the very definition of sex. This is a good spot the girl says and then lays down a towel on the sand. She tells you to get naked which you do very quickly and excitedly. She then tells you to lie down on the towel which you also do quickly and excitedly. She then also gets naked, The sight of her nude body makes you precum. She tells you to close your eyes, you do that wondering what kinky things she's got in mind. As your eyes are closed, you feel a strange slimy wetness at your feet. You open your eyes and to your complete shock, the girl has starting swallowing you up from your feet. You are in too much shock to do a thing so you can only watch as the girl slowly swallows more and more of you just the same way a snake would. Your head is the last thing that enters her mouth, and then down the esophagus you go and finally you plop down into the stomach of the girl. You cannot believe what has happened here, You cannot believe that you are inside of the stomach of this girl. This was not at all what you had in mind when you wanted to be inside of her. Gross stomach sounds surround you, and you are sitting in a small puddle of stomach acid that obviously will start to deepen. You have to do something, you start to scream for help and push and shove on the girls stomach walls. All of the pushing and struggling only provides entertainment for the girl, as she laughs at the sight of your horrified face imprinting on her enlarged stomach. The girl decides to lay down and sunbathe on the towel that you were on before, It will make the digestion process much faster. You start to give up on struggling, You realize no one will be able to help you. You wanted to get a piece of the girls fat booty, now instead you will be added weight to it and her thighs as well. You also realize none of your friends or family will ever know what happened to you, they won't ever know that your final resting place was inside a stomach. The stomachs growling grows more fierce and ferocious, you realize you don't have much more time before you painfully dissolve in this pool of acid that keeps getting larger. You are scared of how much this fate is going to hurt. You can't do a thing but wait and wait for your demise in this stomach. You always had a worry for sharks at the beach and being eaten by them, however you found out yourself that you were with a girl much more dangerous than any sharks. Is irony the right word for that? you don't even know, all you know is that your about to meet the end very soon. The stomach sounds get incredibly loud, it's quite scary. On the outside world, the girl is rubbing her belly and shaking it around, whatever must be done in order to hurry up the digestion of her latest victim. The isolated beach is isolated for a reason, it is her home and where she she regularly takes men and woman and then eats them whole. It is not just you who has fallen victim to her, her victim count is thousands.