Lineart for ~Papertobi 2SteveO126 on DeviantArt

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SteveO126's avatar

Lineart for ~Papertobi 2



Here's some lineart design ideas for [link]

1. For the beehive ant, I designed it around a Honeypot Ant. The honeypot that's on it can look more like a beehive if it evolves.

2. The anglerfish is now more of a toad fish (related). Also the marking on its body is not its mouth, just its belly.

3. The lemon snail and the anteater are just re-detailed.

Only ~Papertobi can use these! Please do not copy!
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2200x1700px 74.43 KB
© 2012 - 2025 SteveO126
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Papertobi's avatar
Loved the idea with the and the the one i called thing! O: really nice way of drawing :D thanks a lot! might turn the frog into more frogish pokemon o.o love youur art :3