Justice of the WarriorsStevenVnDoom on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stevenvndoom/art/Justice-of-the-Warriors-76058789StevenVnDoom

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Justice of the Warriors



Vance Astrovik, also known as Justice and formerly known as Marvel Boy, is a fictional mutant superhero in the Marvel Comics universe. He possesses the superhuman power of telekinesis. Astrovik has been affiliated with the New Warriors and The Avengers. He first appeared in Giant-Size Defenders #5 (July, 1975) and was created by Don Heck and Gerry Conway
Since his creation, Vance has appeared as a mainstay in the New Warriors and the third volume of the Avengers titles. He usually appeared with Firestar, who was his girlfriend then later fiance.
Marvel Boy applied for membership in the Avengers, but was rejected personally by Captain America. He eagerly jumped at the chance to help found a team of minor teenage superheroes, the New Warriors.
Justice has the power of telekinesis, which allows him to move, lift, and manipulate matter using only the power of his mind. By using his powers to lift himself, he can levitate and fly at high speed. He can also channel his powers into concussive psionic force blasts, or focus his telekinetic powers into psychic shields to protect himself and others. Justice is quite adept at using his powers. He has shown the ability to hold a large number of people in individual telekinetic energy "tendrils" and detect when a person is lying through said tendril, like a lie detector would.

Justice is (C) Marvel Comics
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