Midna and Zant TimelineStellaB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/stellab/art/Midna-and-Zant-Timeline-751636938StellaB

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Midna and Zant Timeline



My internet at home had been gone for almost two weeks because of some technical difficulties, that's why I haven't uploaded anything for a long time...
Internet free life is hard... I feel like I'd been through some kind of tough ascetic monk training... Perhaps I had almost reached enlightenment, but alas, my internet is back today, so back to surfing. :3

As announced in my journal, here is the little timeline reference sheet thingy. When I said it "should be finished pretty soon", that could be roughly translated as "bluargh, this abomination will take me at least another two weeks". Man, for some odd reason this was so exhausting to draw in its end stages (even though it's pretty sketchy still! Midna doesn't even have real hands most of the time). No idea why, after all it's just 6 Zants and 6 Midnas, it's just my usual routine. XD But if you only have so little time every day and really want to finally get this done, it can get a bit annoying. I still don't really consider this finished, but I simply can't bring myself to work more on this. Designs could change over time, too. It will probably be updated in the future.

They are really young when they first meet in my story, normally they wouldn't be able to talk (or probably walk) that well, I'm aware of that, but I believe that Twili are superior to humans in many ways and that they learn pretty quickly. (That and I simply don't have the patience for baby talk but at the same time wanted them to be small. XD)

I'm ignoring Hyrule Warriors in this... I actually like that Midna and Zant are almost the same height in HW, but I'm more used to Zant being the freakish giant he is in Twilight Princess. And after all my comic is supposed to be completely based on that game. I also definitely prefer his face in TP, for example his lips are much prettier in my opinion, among other things. But I'm nitpicking now. :D I love almost all kinds of Zants. X3
There are actually at least 3 more variations I will draw them in, but those are too spoilery, so they will follow later on.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Fan Art
Done with Krita
Artwork © 2018 Stella B.
Image size
3200x1403px 4.81 MB
© 2018 - 2025 StellaB
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Rosey-Raven's avatar

I love this. So much.

The second to last Zant is my fav I think, so pretty~ :heart: