static-mess's avatar


2 Watchers10 Deviations

Prologue by static-mess, literature

Prologue by static-mess, literature

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SakurazakiSetsuna's avatar
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: Washington
Favourite genre of music: Rock / Alternative
Favourite photographer: Kendra Waters
Favourite style of art: Erm?
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: ...?
Wallpaper of choice: Anything icy
Skin of choice: ...
Favourite cartoon character: Inuyasha / Kikyo
Personal Quote: Every song ends.. is that any reason not to enjoy the music?

Favourite Visual Artist
Andy Warhol
Favourite Movies
A Walk to Remember
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park / Avril / Evanescence / Paramore
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe
Favourite Games
Other Interests
Drawing, Writing, Designing
I went to school, but my eye was really red and itched a lot so I went home. And I've been bored..all day. D:So I arted a bit, and I'm sure I'll art a bit more. I feel like photoshopping more, maybe more sketches; I'm not sure. I just kind of want to create something, you know?I've been playing World of Warcraft a lot lately, but today, I got on and...logged back off. I just had no interest in playing what-so-ever. A friend from school wanted to level me fast from 10, so I was trying to get another alt to 10, but I couldn't focus, even though all I would have had to do was complete and turn in, like, two quests. O.o;I think I might make a ...
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0 min read
Uploaded four more pieces. Yay.Wow, though. I actually woke up today feeling.. good. Well, I had a terrible headache, but I was happy. Why? I dont now, I have tons of reasons to be bitchy and sad and all that shit, but for some reason, I woke up with the thought, "Today is a good day." :)I've been photoshopping like crazy. I made a new layout for my site, two contest entries, and the three Moulin Rouge blends I uploaded today, plus I'm working on another layout. I think I need to start making premades for people. Seems like too much work though. I'm too lazy, lol.I want staff for my website. I dont update nearly enough, and I dont add grap...
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Well, I stayed home sick today. I pretty much just woke up, moaned, and went back to sleep. I had a massive sore throat, which is kinda strange cause I dreamed that a guy from my school kissed me, and it wasn't my boyfriend. I did, however, text my boyfriend and tell him about the dream, and at that point, he began bitching at me about how I dont stop people from hitting on me. I had just stood there in the dream, I didnt kiss back, but I didnt stop him. And my boyfriend got pissed because of a dream. He thinks my ex hits on me too much and that I dont do anything to stop him (too). But that's because I really dont think my ex hits on me.....
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Wind-Up-Doll's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav:
blacksnowwhite's avatar
hi! (sorry for my english i'm a french girl so my english suck) i love your work and i want to ask you a you think you can do a brush (sorry i don't know the english word for what you do) caus i really like your stuff...if you don't want to just too bad i don't gonna cry ^^ just give me a answer please thank's