Tattoo Idea 2StasisDesigns on DeviantArt

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Tattoo Idea 2



After submitting my tattoo idea here and receiving some feedback, I went and had it done (without the word SEGA/SONIC - [link]). After some consideration, I've decided to expand on my original idea and turn it in to a half-sleeve. With many ideas possible, this is my first and is something I think would look rather awesome.

The mountains will be worked on to give them more detail, and Sonic will be coloured based on the original image. Opinions please. Also, if you were wondering, Sonic now faces to the left. This is because the tattoo is on my left arm and tattoos generally face in towards the body.
Image size
877x942px 167.15 KB
© 2009 - 2025 StasisDesigns
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NKirby's avatar
That is da** cool