PTs - RetawStarsySpirit on DeviantArt

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PTs - Retaw



Quick PTs set for my boy Retaw with NisureARPG 's Kitetsu as companion.
This is alternative Retaw's storyline and design.
I may do reference sheets explaining what is original design and what alternative and how does it fit into his story.

Trial - Journey

After falling through the black hole Retaw found himself in a whole new land filled with strange creatures and plants.
But that would be ok. The worst was when he found out that he's completely alone. Where is his brother? And what about that fledgling they took with them? After hours of wandering alone he settled on a shore. Seeing to be desperate enough Kitetsu couldn't help herself and land to ask what's wrong.
Retaw hesitated but in the end decided he would use a help of someone of locals. "I've got lost. And need to find my brother before something happens to him." he sighed.
"Ah... I see. Let me help you with that then. Follow me."


Trial - Sustain

On their way they have to eat as well. Retaw don't know yet how to use his new body properly but he decided to try to take down a cougar anyway. He knew he could overpower it simply using just his strength. And he mind less taking few scratches from prey who decided to fight back rather than trying to hunt a quick prey who chose to flee.


Trial - Loyalty

It was a long day and the both needed to get some rest. Kitetsu fell asleep almost immediately. She knew how to find a safe place.
But Retaw was not so sure about safety of the place chosen. And his mind was clouded in fear as well.
Fear that something bad would happen to Erunis...


 Art, Reatw (c) :iconstarsyspirit: (me)

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© 2019 - 2025 StarsySpirit
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