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Christian Fasy
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (114)
My Bio

Current Residence: Utah. Second star to the right, and on 'til morning.
Favourite genre of music: Melodic, rhythmic, you know...with notes and stuff.
Favourite photographer: Jenna Fasy, Karen Wood
Favourite style of art: Imaginative
Operating System: Mac OS
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: Sea
Wallpaper of choice: My own.
Skin of choice: My own.
Favourite cartoon character: Race Bannon, Kim Possible, Vampire Princess Miyu, Knight Sabers
Personal Quote: Religion: Living by your beliefs. Politics: Forcing others to live by your beliefs.

Favourite Visual Artist
Norman Rockwell, Frank Frazetta, Andrew Wyeth, Michael Whelan, Patrick Woodroffe & about 1000 ot
Favourite Movies
Maltese Falcon, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Rocketeer, Key Largo, Star Wars, anything by Miyazaki
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Queen, Journey, Boston, Styx, Kansas, Jethro Tull, Heart, Ralph Stanley
Favourite Writers
Jill Fasy
Favourite Games
Pencil and Paper RPGs, Chess and Go, Anything by S. John Ross (ok..and Sorry).
Favourite Gaming Platform
Billiards Table
Tools of the Trade
My brain.
Other Interests
Practically Everything
Dear Mr. Erz, I wanted you to know some things.I failed your algebra class in 9th grade, pretty much on purpose. I know. That's a fairly common story, and not that surprising. We clashed a little. I remember asking the typical questions, like "What will I ever use this for? I'm gonna be an artist!"Here's the first irony of the story. I've never used algebra in my life except for fun. I got into war-gaming and had to figure out stuff like collision equations. It's the Algebra Teacher's Revenge.But the real story here is what you didn't do. You didn't reject me, or look down on me, or nag me or drag me down. You just accepted my decision to ...
anonymous's avatar
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In of my students commissioned me to do this for her Christmas present. The source photo is a picture of her and her father when she was ten. He died of sudden heart failure not 3 years later. This little girl lost her dad. Right now, she is 15 yrs. old and tougher than boiled rope. In her mind, she has to be. When I found this out, there was no way I wouldn't have done this for her.I tend to be a pretty spiritual person, and I'm pretty empathic, but I wasn't prepared for what happened today. I was finishing this up as quickly as I could because I wanted to get it done b...
anonymous's avatar
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I don't believe that encouraging the process cheapens it.I can understand that people who already consider themselves as creative might not feel a need to figure out why.I find it ironic though, that they say that the way to be creative is to not think about what makes them creative and that's what they find makes them creative. If this is so, then they ARE following the process, and they ARE thinking about it, and their process DOES work. For them, NOT thinking about it IS the process.What I can't agree with is people saying they are not creative, or saying that others are not creative, without being willing to say what creativity is. Jus...
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Profile Comments 922

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Paisley-Peacock's avatar
Thanks for the faves and Happy New Year...:D
Paisley-Peacock's avatar
Thanks for the faves, and it is nice to see you around....:D
KanchanMahon's avatar
I really like all your book covers! They're amazing!
starshield's avatar
Thank you! They've been waiting in the wings for many years.
KanchanMahon's avatar
Then I'm glad you finally took the mug and showed them to us!
anti-hero711's avatar
Really beautiful art you create! :D (Big Grin) As for the crayon pieces, can they be preserved? If they're on acid free paper, can a good fixative with UV protection be used for this purpose?
starshield's avatar
That's a good question. I have no idea. However, the crayons are Crayola brand, which might help you figure out the light-fastness.