Opheliastarioul on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/starioul/art/Ophelia-10271535starioul

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starioul's avatar




Medium: pencil
Finished in August 2004.

The idea comes from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet". The story is about Hamlet, the prince of Danmark, who tries to revenge the murder on his father. Ophelia was the daughter of the minister and was engaged to Hamlet. Due to certain circumstances Hamlet accidentally killed Ophelia's father. After this, Ophelia became insane by grief for her father and the way Hamlet had treated her. One day when no one was paying attention to her, Ophelia went to the meadow to collect flowers and to make flower garlands. Nearby the meadow there was a willow next to a brook. When Ophelia tried to hang up her garland on the branches of the willow, she fell into the water and drowned after singing and floating on her dress for some while.

I tried to draw the scene in which Ophelia was floating on her dress in the water. The water will be drawn when the drawing is colored. Critiques and comments are welcome. ^_^
Image size
600x767px 145.04 KB
© 2004 - 2025 starioul
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MissSunflower's avatar
i love it, particularly the lovely dress the wreath of flowers (yay! proper wreath like in the play!) and the lilypads, I'm sure this will/does look great coloured in. :)