Ahhhh super cute! :iconstarmassacre: is having a giveaway for a pony plush! http://starmassacre.deviantart.com/journal/Floppy-Pony-Giveaway-452507602It's super cute! I just NEED to see a Derpy version x)
Hi!I just learned about this :iconganjamira: giveaway of supplies for crafters in need:http://ganjamira.deviantart.com/journal/Get-Supplied-4-Crafting-material-Giveaway-439547347I'm not entering myself because I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the supplies I need at the moment, but if you or anyone you know can't go right on and enter!It's a very kind thing for someone in this community to do and I just want to spread the message :) ~Starie