Battle in the Betreka NebulaStargazer1987 on DeviantArt

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Battle in the Betreka Nebula



Cardassians and Klingons never liked each other. When the Klingons invaded the Cardassian Union in 2372 both fleets fought also on historic space: The Betreka Nebula. Between 2328 and 2346 both races where involed in a cold-war like teritorial conflict in exact this region of space. Now, decades later, the killing continues.

Again rendered in Adobe After Effects

Galor by William Burmingham
Hideki by D.Bates
Birds of Prey by William Burningham
D7 by Eric Peterson
Vorcha by Cyrille "Tachy" Lefevre
Background (unaltered) by NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA

(C) Sebastian "Stargazer" Bittins
Image size
1920x1080px 774.88 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Stargazer1987
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