The Brothers Stormragestarchildink on DeviantArt

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The Brothers Stormrage



I have since redone this image:

Just as the title suggests, Illidan and Malfurion Stormrage from Blizzard's Warcraft Universe. Drawn all in Photoshop. I needed to do something fun and easy. Oddly enough, this piece gave me more problems than I care to admit. I can't do cell-shading *dies*.

Anyway, some oddities in this piece: I wanted to draw them young (mostly because Furion's beard is scary *hides*) but Illidan wouldn't have the horns at this age...... because he was 10,000 years plus when he obtained the Skull of Gul'dan. But! The fangurl in me demanded that I draw them young and sexy.... but then I couldn't resist with the horns (and antlers) and glowy tattoos. Whoo!

Malfurion is the Arch-druid of the Nightelves, Illidan was a sorcerer (and one destined for great things. Great =/= good). They pretty much oppose each other in everything, so a lot of people forget that they're actually brothers...

...and are, in fact, twins.

The one thing that they do have in common: Tyranda Whisperwind.

Should I have put a "Spoiler warning" on this?? Nah.

Again, sorry for using the crappy DA watermark, but I'm just a wee bit paranoid.
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792x1038px 243.76 KB
© 2008 - 2025 starchildink
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DamienMuerte's avatar
Mhhh Im sorry, but I like this image here more than the redone, newer work =D    Here they look more "edgy" (more masculine XD) , and much more dynamic as they arent in the same position as in the new piece =)  No offense, I just like this one more =D  
Even if it has not as much detail and complex shading, I think this is the better <3