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Red and Green



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xXMCUFan2020Xx's avatar

Can you do Marveltober and here are the characters for you to draw from October 1-31

Day 1: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) (MCU)

Day 2: Kate Bishop (MCU)

Day 3: Nebula (MCU) (Endgame because of the orange thingy on her head and her metal arm)

Day 4: Cassie Lang (Kathryn Newton) (MCU) (Quantumania suit)

Day 5: Antman (MCU) (Quantumania)

Day 6: Bucky Barnes (MCU)

Day 7: Wolverine (MCU)

Day 8: Red Guardian (MCU)

Day 9: Valkyrie (MCU) (Love and Thunder outfit)

Day 10: Captain Marvel (New suit from The Marvels) (MCU)

Day 11: The Wasp (MCU) (Quantumania suit)

Day 12: Kang The Conqueror (MCU)

Day 13: MODOK (MCU)

Day 14: Doctor Strange (MCU)

Day 15: Shang Chi (MCU)

Day 16: Rocket Raccoon (MCU) (Endgame outfit)

Day 17: Ronin (Clint Barton) (MCU)

Day 18: Echo (MCU)

Day 19: Gamora (MCU)

Day 20: Spider-Man (Iron Spider armor)

Day 21: She Hulk (MCU)

Day 22: Moonknight (MCU)

Day 23: Daredevil (MCU) (Red and Yellow suit from She Hulk)

Day 24: Captain America (Sam Wilson)

Day 25: Thor (MCU) (Love and Thunder outfit)

Day 26: Hulk (MCU)

Day 27: Yelena Belova (MCU)

Day 28: Star Lord (MCU)

Day 29: Deadpool (MCU)

Day 30: Sylvie (MCU)

Day 31: Black Panther (Shuri) (MCU)