A Trip To MinnesotaStaniqs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/staniqs/art/A-Trip-To-Minnesota-306798314Staniqs

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A Trip To Minnesota



Another collab between =Owl-Flight and me :) This was super fun...a few weeks back we were both having a rough day...so we decided to do something about it. We were talking about how if she was to ever visit me in Minnesota, I wouldn't even be able to talk to her because she'd dart off into the woods so fast XD I just imagine me trying to find her for all eternity and she's just slinking around in the trees, hidden.

That scene is actually based off a plot of land my family and I hunt on a lot. I didn't just pull that one out of my butt. ;)

I sketched, she did lineart, I colored, she shaded, I did bg, she did finishing touches....BAM look at it now :D

Go favorite her's, too: [link]

Cricket, Art c) =Owl-Flight
Syrne, Art c) ~stonefox101
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3000x2000px 5.96 MB
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Lefa-59's avatar
OMG YOU LIVE IN MINNESOTA!?!?!?!?!? SO DO I!!!!!!!!!!!!1