psa- somone you should avoid :(My dear friend copgraveyard helped me write this and organize my thoughts!!!
THIS is a bit of a PSA!! about a...creep that i unfortunately know
When I was 15 or 16 I had some normal stamps on my profile that happened to be made by this guy So he commented on my profile saying he was glad i was using them, ect.
We started talking, and we were kind of friends. He put me on his profile saying i was his "biggest fan" which was.. weird but whatever, i didnt mind it that much.
But I ended up noticing he had a lot of. gross stamps. Bigoted stamps that were lgbtphobic, misogynist, abusive, ect. Theres a lot of them but heres a small handful.
Obviously I feel... personally attacked by a lot of these
I'd seen him post things like this but I sort of brushed it off.
But when he posted this one, I sorta had enough. I unwatched