Animecon 2009ssjbra-chan on DeviantArt

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Animecon 2009



Since Animecon 2008, I've been leaving my art at every con I go. Animecon, Chibicon, Abunaicon.. This is probably going to be my last artwork I will be leaving: at Animecon 2009. =)

A lot of you have known this: I am cosplaying Son Goten at this con, and :iconbura: is going to cosplay Trunks. Nick is also tagging along, but he won't be cosplaying. That's very unfortunate since he would make a great Bulma. =P

Animecon 2009 will also be my last convention, and I will try to make it a great final. My goal is to pose next to a lot of random people I do not know, hehe, and make friends.

Goten and Trunks, looking very handsome in this picture, are in their one-episode-outfits. I like the outfit of Gotens, because it is just a pants and a shirt. Usually it'd be some training gear. I love those rare clothes, also on Trunks. Even though his vest doesn't make any sense at all XD

Well, I'm going studying now. This was just a decoy for me, so I had some distraction. I love distracting myself.. hmm.... ^____^....OHCRAP I'M DOING IT AGAIN ~_~

Im outta here~
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490x950px 164.84 KB
© 2009 - 2025 ssjbra-chan
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