Happy New Years!SRealms on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/srealms/art/Happy-New-Years-581557446SRealms

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Happy New Years!



The main seven are here to welcome 2016~!

Lots of things have changed this year, I'd like to reintroduce to you some of the characters: 
Princesses Mirah, Oriana and Lynette uwu 
After some incredibly difficult searches and the help of others (WSA), Iku, Kamisori and Kichi are obsolete names and have been completely dropped. Ai is still Ai however so that does not change just as Yakeo, Zero and Karumen have kept their names - I never planned on changing them anyway. 

Thank you to everyone who has watched me and continued to watch me throughout the past year. It's been a really amazing year, I stepped out of my comfort zone and was pleasantly surprised by the result. 
It means so much to me that y'all have stuck around and that some of you have found great interest in Star Realms! 
Although Star Realms is not near ready, I've got just about everything I want ready in my head. I want to complete outlining this year and begin on an entirely new and improved version of Book 1. (Sorry Kitty I'm doing it again...do you know what draft it is? I've lost count OTL).
I'll need to practice a ton with grey toning so don't be surprised if you see lots of that! 
I also plan on coming out with a new 'What is Star Realms?' soon so that newcomers or old..comers(?) can be newly informed with what is going on here haha. 

*ahem* I think I'll take a moment to reference YandereDev, "Thank you very much for following the development of Star Realms" QuQ //does that work? I think so- You all fill me with DETERMINATION uwu!

Hope you like it and have a very happy new year~!
StarRealms - SRealms 
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musickrazy123's avatar
happy new year to you too, sweetie~