TUMBLR: karubyart.tumblr.com/
FANFICTION: www.fanfiction.net/u/851020/
My eventual goals are to be some sort of concept artist/character designer and author/illustrator, but right now my goal is just to pay the bills.
My hobbies include:
Drawing, Painting
Occasionally making costumes
Playing piano
Home DIY
Bringing home animals because my husband didn't technically say no.
Why the name SquirtSapphire? Used to be called Squirt by my older siblings because I was the youngest and was small. Sapphire, I don't quite remember, but it may have just simply been because I like the color blue. On top of that, Sapphire was also an OC I had, AND one of the three jewels in the Legend of Zelda game. My nerdy childhood summed up, basically. Now that I'm adult I realize it's weird. I'm really just too lazy to change it at this point because all of my old work has that as a watermark. Maybe some day.
I'm more active on Tumblr and don't use dA as often, but if there is anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask.