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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
  • Dec 22
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (93)
My Bio

TUMBLR: karubyart.tumblr.com/

FANFICTION: www.fanfiction.net/u/851020/

My eventual goals are to be some sort of concept artist/character designer and author/illustrator, but right now my goal is just to pay the bills.

My hobbies include:

Drawing, Painting


Occasionally making costumes

Playing piano

Home DIY

Bringing home animals because my husband didn't technically say no.

Why the name SquirtSapphire? Used to be called Squirt by my older siblings because I was the youngest and was small. Sapphire, I don't quite remember, but it may have just simply been because I like the color blue. On top of that, Sapphire was also an OC I had, AND one of the three jewels in the Legend of Zelda game. My nerdy childhood summed up, basically. Now that I'm adult I realize it's weird. I'm really just too lazy to change it at this point because all of my old work has that as a watermark. Maybe some day.

I'm more active on Tumblr and don't use dA as often, but if there is anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask.

Favourite Games
Legend of Zelda BOTW or OOT
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil and Paper, paint, markers, computer,tablet and photoshop.
Other Interests
Art, Writing, Videogames. Zelda.
I find it hilarious that I really do only stop by like... Once a year to give an update. This is terrible. So I'm not incredibly active on tumblr, but definitely more than I am here, so I suggest stopping over there if you want to see more content. I plan on keeping this page around for a bunch of reasons, but especially to look back and remind myself that I have improved. I stopped doing art for a solid few years when I graduated college, but now that my husband and I are settling down into adult life (thank you full time jobs that provide health insurance, even if some days are incredibly boring or frustrating), I'm able to pick up drawing again. I do art far more in my real life, but because I try to keep this separate from that, I don't post those here. The past year has been spent doing a daily drawing challenge, so I've been especially silent on even my tumblr page. I also do a lot more traditional work, especially acrylic paint (and slowly getting back into watercolors), so
anonymous's avatar
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I don't know why I've apparently made it a habit to only post one journal entry a year, but I promise I'm still here! I don't get the chance to respond much to comments or artwork anymore, but I do respond to notes, so if you ever do need to get ahold of me, a note is the way to do it!An update on things that have happened in the past year? We have a house (still),  I have a new job (again. I think this one is a keeper though!), and we have somehow managed to add a handful of pets to our household, including another dog, cat, and some chickens. It's crazy around here, and that's on a good day!Anyway, I am still doing art, but most of them ...
anonymous's avatar
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You know how sometimes you look back at things you drew or wrote or whatever, and you think too yourself,  "yeah,  that was pretty alright considering how young I was! "And then other times,  you are just hiding in the corner like "oh God,  why did anyone let me post things on the internet.  I was so dumb. That hurts to look at. "Because I think I've reached that point in my life.  Haha.  Seriously though,  I'm gonna have to go back and delete all kinds of stuff now.  Goodbye journal entries when I was  seriously like 15. They hurt to read. My kids will not have internet access to they are 18, oh God hahaha. As a parent,  I must help them ...
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Profile Comments 855

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Falchion1984's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :airborne:
Falchion1984's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :airborne:
SquirtSapphire's avatar
Thank you so much!
Falchion1984's avatar
Sure thing. How've you been, by the way? I'm with my folks for Christmas, along with my sisters and uncle, so things are getting a bit crowded over here. How about you? Please let me know when you can, and have a Merry Christmas.
SquirtSapphire's avatar
Busy! Been busy adulting haha. Same, with family for Christmas, weather getting snowy, hunkered down with a house full of pets! Merry Christmas to you too, thank you!
Kami-Seku's avatar
Thank for the fav on The Passionate Kiss :iconletmehugyouplz: !!

jrlallo's avatar
Thanks for the watch!