SquirrelKingdom's avatar


Years Ago
17 Members43 Watchers

Comments 54

anonymous's avatar
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xTreefin's avatar
okay, quick question~ 
I'm thinking of making my character an Elite. What materials can weapons be made out of? Do they have just simple wooden weapons like spears and bows/arrows? or do they have metal for things like swords?
BlipBlipBlue's avatar
Oh yay, elite <3
Most commonly used materials are wood and stone because they're easiest to find / attain / mold and what not, 
Though some squirrels have been able to get thier hands on human items such as buttons / pop tabs. So you can utilize items such as those as well to make a weapon!
I hope that helps!
xTreefin's avatar
okay! Thanks!!
BlipBlipBlue's avatar
Of course!
If anything else comes up feel free to ask : ' D :heart: 
CherryBerryTwilight's avatar
im not good at drawing humans, but can i join?
BlipBlipBlue's avatar
We ask that you have a mainly human picture with the squirrel picture on your app--its okay if it doesn't look great! But that's more or less a requirement.
Once you're in the group you can draw the squirrel form more often if you'd prefer. 
(This is partially why i had an animal and a human for the group; i thought it'd be good exploration for all kinds of artists to get at least a small taste outside their comfort zone). 
CherryBerryTwilight's avatar
hmmm i mainly have problems with the face/ears.. could they be like neko eared but squirrel instead of cat