Square-Photo-Art's avatar


Years Ago
946 Watchers

Comments 171

anonymous's avatar
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black-cat16's avatar
If you're looking for a group that's alive and kicking, consider joining my group: :iconphotography-universe: Just read the rules and hit "join" button. 
black-cat16's avatar
Expired deviations, not square photos... this group is a rotting corpse.
roundtower's avatar
Por favor, ¿este grupo está vivo? Muchas Gracias.

Please, is this group still alive? Thanks very much.
Ilman-Lintu's avatar
is this group alive? ad that it seems like not
arctoa's avatar
I still vote on work coming in, but I'm not sure if anyone else is around.

WaterStreetNorth's avatar
Is this group still active :?
arctoa's avatar
I'm still around, but there's not a whole lot I can do on my own. I'm not sure about the others.
