The Shifty Sticker - HumanizedSquadala33 on DeviantArt

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The Shifty Sticker - Humanized



Je fais parti de ces gens qui ont eu envie d'humaniser les boss principaux de Paper Mario : The Origami King. Je me base sur la version française concernant leur titre et comment ils se genrent.
Le Styliste Super Collant ! Il a certes une personnalité agressive, il est décrit comme un styliste en français. Alors je l'imagine comme un mafieux avec une certaine "classe", avec yoyo-scotch et les dents de fer comme des poings américains.


I am one of those who want to humanize the main bosses of Paper Mario : The Origami King. I take the french version of the game as a reference for their title and gender.
The Shifty Sticker ! I know that he is supposed to be an agressive tape, but the french version describe him as a stylist. So I imagine him as a classy gangster, with his yo-yo tape and iron teeth as brass knuckles.
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Nice persona, I was thinking about making Origami King personas too, is it okay if my idea for the actual roll of tape is something close to what he looks like?