I am just another typical teenager trying to make something of her life. Amatuer Photographer. Feel free to watch me and comment on my art. It is really appreciated!
I do art trades and commissions!
Stamps I like/True/My Opinions
Name: Sam
Gender: Female (duh)
Age: 17
Country: USA
Youtube User: Samikit5, Notperfectsorrry
Twitter User: twitter.com/samisspirit
Tumblr: aspirex.tumblr.com
Instagrams: Notperfectsorry, Ssamstarrs
Kik: Notperfectsorrry
Vine: Sam Starrs
Ask.FM: Notperfectsorrry
Favorite books: Harry Potter, Its Kind of a Funny Story, Do No Harm
Favorite bands: Red Hot Chilli Peppers, All Time Low, Guns N' Roses, Neck Deep, Finish Ticket, John Mayer, Foo Fighters, ACDC, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Pearl Jam
Favorite Activity: DANCE!
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: realism, photography
Personal Quote: "Everytime someone tells me it can't be done, I know I'm another step closer to success." (-Michael Flatley)