ffiv - TA part 1 finalespoonybards on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spoonybards/art/ffiv-TA-part-1-finale-166989477spoonybards

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ffiv - TA part 1 finale



Firstly: spoilers for the last part of TA!


Rare is it that a scene in a vidya game can actually make me say aloud: "THAT WAS AWESOME HOLY CRAP" much less fill me with the need to instantly turn it off so I can go draw it right away XD Beyond some really quick thumbnails, this was all draw IN ONE SITTING. Never again..NEVER AGAIN. I didn't want to stress with making it look pretty or perfect, I just wanted to draw the scene and have fun. I actually ended up putting in more effort while having fun then I do when I'm trying to be serious, go fig XD

A little backstory: After being mind controlled most of the game, Cecil goes into a coma during the first part of the finale for unknown reasons. Then, after fighting a bunch of the old bossess who've been revived on the moon that's returned, they come across Dark Knight Cecil. There's a "good" ending and a "bad" ending depending what charas you bring to the scene, this is the good one cause I couldn't bear the bad one XD; You have to lug along comatose Cecil, although he is kind enough to wake up long enough be your meatshield for one part XD Thus how he appears initially in this comic. This is after DK Cecil has pwned everyone but Golbez. I actually didn't get to finish the whole scene; I'd like to do the opening and the last bit of the ending, but my hand was about to fall off, so I stopped here, rofl. I took artistic license in a couple places and added some extra stuff, but all the dialogue is essentially right out of the game.

Initially I didn't know if I'd make it through the whole scene so I didn't plan...very well in the beginning, that's why there's like 2 million panels on page 1, and then it evens out a bit XD

Uhh, I actually might color this later! I'm decently happy with it.
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Rainbow-pup-13's avatar
The part with lil Theodore and baby Cecil really put a dagger in my heart...
nnnnyuuuuugh... ( ;^;)