(Updated 11/20/2017)
Hey there, name's Mike.
I draw stuff, certainly not as often as I used to, and a very good portion of my older art is -quite- old, and the quality shows. Might purge the really bad old stuff progressively. It's been quite some time since I've been on here, and I might upload the few art pieces I've done recently to counter the atrocious old art that's been here since 2012.
Besides that, I'm still very much active on places like Discord and Steam, so feel free to contact me there and maybe we can talk about stuff or play something.
Steam - Omega.J2
BattleNet - Omega#13899
Discord - Omega #7909
Fallout, Mass Effect, WoW, Star Wars, Street Fighter, Overwatch, TF2, etc, ask me more about my favorite things, we might have more in common than meets the eye. I'm always happy to just chat about stuff.
Also, my birthday is 10/23/96. Back in 2012, when I was a snot-nosed brat, I put some random date in as my birthday, but apparently DA doesn't let you change that information without contacting their tech staff or what have you. I'm not really that concerned enough to do that, so there's my birthday there. Send me gifts or something then.