A sip of tea and a book to read...Spiritaelia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spiritaelia/art/A-sip-of-tea-and-a-book-to-read-608352302Spiritaelia

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A sip of tea and a book to read...



Contest entry for Sassifrasi's
The Lost Flame Stamp by Sassifrasi
Read it HERE

I encourage you to read it. There's only a few pages so far, but by the last few pages I was like "WHERE'S THE REST? >:'0 "
So yeah, go do that ;3; And even enter for the contest if you can! There's still plenty of opportunities to winning prizes
Click here to go to the journal!

I don't know... Castello just looked like the kind of cat who would like to sip some tea and read a vast collection of books,
not that I know if the animals even read in the universe of tLF, but there you go

Character, comic, ect. belong to :iconsassifrasi:
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© 2016 - 2025 Spiritaelia
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meroaw's avatar
wow!! this is amazing! i absolutely love how you've drawn him!!