Suck Up StampSpikytastic on DeviantArt

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Suck Up Stamp



Hey, know what I just love?
People who suck up to the current big-name wolf/gloomdog/fandom/whatever artist/fan is around so they can get attention and look good, and then become their mindless little fan-army of yes-men and white-knights whenever anyone calls said BNF out on their bullshit!

After all, we all know that if someone can draw well, they have a perfect attitude, their OCs aren't mary-sues at all, their plots and ideas are 100% original, and they're never wrong!
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99x56px 15.18 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Spikytastic
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LadyClassical's avatar
I remember I was reading this Facebook page where the person said, "Don't like more than five posts at a time. I'll consider it spam and block you." And I commented, "It must be nice to have so many fans that you complain about having too many likes." Then I went to go check all zero of my messages.