SpikerMan - New Animation Showcasespikerman87 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/spikerman87/art/SpikerMan-New-Animation-Showcase-768153739spikerman87

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SpikerMan - New Animation Showcase



WATCH HERE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUC7ZU…

This is a small preview of what the new animation looks like. It's a work in progress so some things are unfinished or will be changed in the final product.

Some things have happened in preparation for a meeting with a client I will have in the future, but before that meeting I spoke with a business professional who told gave me some advice on what she felt I needed to do.

What I've done is Scoot of Whookos created a few commissions of some of my characters, and I was able to take those character designs and recreate them in Flash. So he deserves credit for the character design.

This new animation will be a reflection of my future, if it succeeds then so will I, and if it fails then I will fail. I hope when the times comes that it will be good enough where people will be willing to share it on their own and it receives the views it deserves, but we'll have to see.
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1920x1080px 794.17 KB
© 2018 - 2025 spikerman87
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