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Deviation Spotlight

Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (58)
I have two different accounts now other than this deviant art account for the previous shows I made a few years ago:Hero ReturnsThe first Zelda show I made starting in 2003 to 2007, the animation is dated, but it still has a fun story and a good adventure atmosphere to ithttp://zeldaheroreturns.deviantart.com/Coolo EclipsoThis show continues the story from Hero Returns, it's a much different style and has a much darker tone, it has a great plot twist that surprised everyone when it was first released.http://cooloeclipso.deviantart.com/Seven Dark SorcerersYou can find the original swf files of Seven Dark Sorcerers at this account:http://sev...
anonymous's avatar
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I came up with an idea to switch out Hero Returns and Coolo Eclipso every month on my web page but that plan did not work out, so instead I've decided that I'm going to upload the episodes on deviant art, but not on this account, it's on this account:http://cooloeclipso.deviantart.com/I know they're not all uploaded yet, but this is where they will be from now on.
anonymous's avatar
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Fake Friends

0 min read
This is my repost of the fake friends bulletin._________________________________________________No offense, but ... There are some people who are getting too fake on dA. They only want posts, comments, or to see how many friends they can get. So let's see who will actually re-post this. This is a test to see who's paying attention. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and re-post in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are... Re-post this if you are a friend...Don't reply... just copy and paste this in a new bulletin as "Fake Friends"I hate th...
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Profile Comments 119

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StarlightTOA's avatar
Yo! It's Ocarina Link from YouTube!(one of your commenters and subscriber) I was wondering if you were open for requests.
spikerman87's avatar
It depends on what the request is. I'm open to ideas as always.
StarlightTOA's avatar
Can you make me a profile picture for my YouTube channel? It can be of Link, or of my OC character: linkfourswords.deviantart.com/…
zathraya's avatar
Saw your youtube video about the livestream.  I like the livestream idea with all the series.  And the gift idea.  I don't know what I'd want just yet. SO can't help there.  Just wanted to say I liked the idea. :)
Nex-DarkLight's avatar
I'm just saying, I followed your series for a long time sense I was maybe 13. I feel in love with your work when i was younger. And honestly I am so shocked you don't have more people following you then you should. The series you have created is fantastic. And honestly I've been spamming all my fellow friends to watch this fantastic series. I just wanted to say I love your work and hopefully sometime in the future I can personally make my own fanart for the series. But I just wanted to say i love it and keep up the fantastic work!
spikerman87's avatar
Hey thank you very much. I appreciate your support. I'll keep trying to make the show worth the wait. :)
Nex-DarkLight's avatar
It is always worth the wait! Keep it up!!