SesasiSpicyEspresso on DeviantArt

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Name: Sesasi Reynosa 

Species: Human

Gender: Female 

Age: 40

Birthdate: April 17

Tzintzinian, Ikikunari terrority

Height: 5'6

Skin tone: Dark Olive

Hair: Black

Eyes: Amber

Personality: Sesasi is generally a loving and devoted mother to her two children. She is always praying to the gods for her children's safety. She is also kind and willing to help others. 

Dress: Sesasi prefers light colored fabrics, long sleeves, and long skirts.


  • She is devoted and will do anything to protect her loved ones


  • She does not have any fighting experience or magical abilities. 


  • Childhood: Sesasi was born to Achati (Lord) and Kutsi (Lady) Reynosa, two high ranking nobles and cousins to the Royal Ikikunari families. She spend her childhood happy and playing with her cousins. She was best friends with Princess Dayanara and they were extremely close together. 

  • Adolescence: When Sesasi was about thirteen or fourteen, her parents started trying to find her a proper noble match. Sesasi was extremely shy and did not like to dance or be around others. She was eventually paired off with a legendary Ikikunari warrior named Kuarhani. Sesasi was expected to marry him on her eighteen birthday. They were deeply in love with each other and were always seen together. 

  • Adulthood: They were married for a brief time and she was dismissed from serving Dayanara. Sesasi became pregnant and bore him a son. Kuarhani was extremely proud of his son, proclaiming him to be a little warrior like his own father. Unfortunately, their village was attacked by the Asehaveni and Kuarhani was killed, trying to protect the surviving royal family as well as his wife, son, and the Princess Dayanara. Sesasi and Dayanara managed to escape to Sesasi's estate. Unfortunately, her parents had been killed by the Asehaveni. They escaped to a sacred offering site, with their children and only some food with them. Dayanara handed her newborn daughter to Sesasi and gave herself up to the Asehaveni to allow them to run. Sesasi was able to run off to the woods where she tried to start a new life to her children. She eventually found her way into the refugee founded Mysarai. 


  • Parents: She was close to her parents and loved them deeply, still mourning them years later. 

  • Siblings: She had two sisters and three brothers who were murdered along with her parents. They were close and she remembers them fondly. 

  • Children: She loves her kids, willing to kill and die for them.

  • Partner: Kuarhani was deeply in love and extremely faithful to his wife. He was extremely proud of his son and loved him as well. She still loves him and won't move on from him. 

  • Friends: Dayanara and her were extremely close friends, to the point Daya trusted her enough to take care of her daughter for the rest of her life. 

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