My Deepest Gratitude

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Spicy-Tacos's avatar

As you probably know by now, I just released a new book: No Escape. In just over 24 hours, it has already broken even. Holy shit! This is honestly incredible and better than I could have ever hoped for. I went into releasing this book fully expecting not to make any money off of it, with my only reward being the cool art I commission to go along with it, but you guys have proven me wrong.

So, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all of you who have supported me over the years. Both those who bought the novel and those who didn't, but who liked and shared my work over the years. Getting it published was a lot of hard work. No Escape was the first book I released that I wrote and produced all on my own, so it's great to see it doing so well.

I've already started work on the sequel.

© 2024 - 2025 Spicy-Tacos

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MizuWriter's avatar

Congratulations! What a huge achievement as a writer.